Seattle Metals Guild
The SMG is a non-profit organization made up of people with varying interests and involvement in traditional and contemporary jewelry and metal arts. The Guild was founded in 1989 to provide for the exchange of ideas and information, as well as to offer affordable educational opportunities to its members and the public. Be sure to check out our annual symposium, every October here in Seattle.
Society of North American Goldsmiths
SNAG encourages professional excellence, supports education, and advances the jewelry and metal arts. SNAG is dedicated to creating greater public awareness and appreciation of the metal arts.
Also: SNAG Professional Guidelines, A library of resource documents and checklists for artists and crafts people. Topics range from Discounting Work to issues involved with Fundraising Auctions and tips for submitting artwork to Juried Exhibitions, Craft Shows, Books and Magazines.
Want to see some great artwork? Go here. Need some quality graphic art for your biz? A website? Go here.
Facebook for makers.
Our good friends John and Frances Smersh own and operate this wonderful gem of a store in West Seattle. Along with their own line of jewelry, their store features household accoutrements and objects whose design truly enhances life.
Check this out. It's youngun's like this one that gives me hope for the future. Student, up and coming researcher, fencer, art maker and all around solid nephew.
A wonderful teaching and community studio and school. My only place to teach in Seattle.
Silvera Jewelry School
A great place to learn and work. Online and in person. Berkeley CA.
A great maker, teacher and artist. Sculpture & Metalwork.
Another great maker and artist.
The only place in Colorado that I teach at this time. Great space, great staff, great community. They are an amazingly generous group.